salamun alaikum. last week, i received a letter from British Gas for the house. and there, on the first line just below our address written in red, states: "You may have just overlooked it, but your latest bill of **.** pounds for the gas you have used is overdue".
to be fair, it's not that we didn't want to pay, we just haven't entirely settled our housing situation with the landlord yet. though that might just be our excuse to hold off the numerous notices sent before this, what surprised me the most was how the letter reflected a lot about the company's professionalism. they didn't just accused us of deliberately refusing to pay but they had given us the benefit of the doubt by assuming that we might have just overlooked the matter. which in our case, is probably what had happened. heheh ;p.
and honestly it happens a lot in our lives. we tend to overlook the things that have actually been reminded of several times before. and what makes it worse is that we don't even realize what we're doing is wrong. what is considered a norm in the society is not always what we should actually be doing.
so the other day i got a warning (although it might not be in fine red ink), but again, it made me realise of how much of unnecessary wrongful things I'm doing that I've overlooked. and I feel so burned (which metaphorically means how angry I am with myself).
what's important is that we recognise our wrongs and not only feel mad and disgusted with it, but we must also try to improve on bettering it.
so in conjunction with Maal Hijrah 1431, I would like to try and reduce or stop some of my bad behaviour which I have too many times overlooked as my new year's resolution.
"mereka membantahmu (Muhammad) tentang kebenaran setelah nyata bahawa mereka pasti menang, seakan-akan mereka dihalau kepada kematian, sedang mereka melihat sebab kematian itu."
(8: 6)
"yaAllah permudahkanlah usaha kami, lembutkanlah hati kami dan tetapkanlah pendirian kami. Amin."