Saturday 31 July 2010

of something so close

salam alaykum

Alhamdulillah thummalhamdulillah thumalhamdulillahirabbil alamin.
Praise to Allah who has granted us yet another day to carry on in this world living our life doing whatever we please, either things that we feel will benefit us, or bring trouble to us. this life, a test, which Allah has told us in his book, 29:2 "
Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe", and that they will not be tested?

Alhamdulillah for many things. for the air that i'm breathing, for the clothes that i'm wearing, for the family that i'm having, for the roof that's over my head, for the health that i'm given, for the wonderful flowers that i'm seeing, for the birds that are chirping, for the fans that are working, for the air-conditioners that are cooling, for the air sirap limau that i'm drinking. for the people that i'm meeting, for the knowledge that i'm learning, for the 'new' world that i'm seeing, for His hidayah that i'm thanking, and the list carries on...Alhamdulillah.

yesterday ustaz AO said, "ana belum kagum lg pada antum skrg ni, tp bila antum dah kerja, dah ada keluarga dan ana lihat lg 10, 20 tahun muka-muka antum masih lg bersama2 kita di jalan dakwah, baru ana tabik". and he smiled.

a shot right through the heart. but i know exactly what he meant.

yaAllah. kuatkanlah hatiku di jalan ini. teguhkanlah kakiku utk maju yaAllah.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

ihsan atau alasan?

ok. skip cite psl umrah.
bila duduk sorang2..malam2..di kawasan yg x berapa terang..pernah x terasa mcm ada 'benda' memerhatikan anda/kamu/kita?

ok, sy kadang2 ada..rasa mcm takut tibe2..huh..
so sy tukar mindset..
what if 'bende' itu ialah Allah.

hehe..terus jd semangat nk buat baik. insyaAllah.

p/s: dlm mode menulis ssc. sorang2. malam2. di kawasan yg x berapa terang.

Friday 9 July 2010

to be continued...

Thursday 8 July 2010

lately..i can't seem to sleep at night..maybe it's the jetlag. maybe it's the flu. tp mcm agak lama. dah seminggu.

and another thing. i have to rewrite my ssc. which is still in progress. so i'm hiding in my cacoon hoping to finish up my work in time before the deadline.

i came back from Mekah recently. this is not meant to brag, but it was so beautiful. the kaabah. i cried. makcik sebelah had to calm me down. very motherly. i think she's from turkey. from the way she wears her tudung. we didn't say a word. but i think she understood.

i prayed to Allah to help me pass my ssc. but most importantly, i prayed for Him to give what's best for me. so i'm quite sad. sad that i had to rewrite my ssc. but i'm not mad. i can't be. i love Allah too much. when we love someone we always think of the good things. so i'm sure Allah is trying to teach me something. maybe i'd find out soon.

please pray to Allah for me. for many things. right now, probably for my ssc. :)