Thursday 8 July 2010

lately..i can't seem to sleep at night..maybe it's the jetlag. maybe it's the flu. tp mcm agak lama. dah seminggu.

and another thing. i have to rewrite my ssc. which is still in progress. so i'm hiding in my cacoon hoping to finish up my work in time before the deadline.

i came back from Mekah recently. this is not meant to brag, but it was so beautiful. the kaabah. i cried. makcik sebelah had to calm me down. very motherly. i think she's from turkey. from the way she wears her tudung. we didn't say a word. but i think she understood.

i prayed to Allah to help me pass my ssc. but most importantly, i prayed for Him to give what's best for me. so i'm quite sad. sad that i had to rewrite my ssc. but i'm not mad. i can't be. i love Allah too much. when we love someone we always think of the good things. so i'm sure Allah is trying to teach me something. maybe i'd find out soon.

please pray to Allah for me. for many things. right now, probably for my ssc. :)


  1. nad!baru arini rase nk comment, slalu bace2 je kat cni...bukan ngintai ek..hehe..sronoknya nad dh pg Mekah, hope to go there soon! ^_^

  2. salam. husna K..hi!! eee~ lame kot x jumpe..una kat mane skrg? kite kt msia,kdg2 hantar/amik adik kat al-amin teringat una ngn iman. hehe.

    a'a..teringin sgt nk g lagi..insyaAllah. ada rezeki dptla una pegi..jgn stop doa..:D

  3. hehe last thn 2005 la kot jumpa..skrg blaja xabs lagi..n sambil tu keje kat sek10..dkt je..huhu
    owh adik skola alamin ke?huhu...iman balik bulan 8 ni...nad cuti sampai bile?blhla jumpa2 nnti..hehe :))
