Wednesday, 25 April 2012

of random feelings

rindu rumah & people in Malaysia...aaah~ benci.

mcm mana ni? you know when you were younger, you had a dream..a dream that one day you'll become someone'll have a family of your own and hopefully become someone useful to society. You keep thinking it's going to happen if you work hard enough.. Then you grow up, and reality hits you hard.'s not that easy.  The road requires patience & perseverance & MOTIVATION.  Like a lymphoblast, you're young & naive. Then you become a lymphocyte, and start to reconsider it was just meant to be a dream and if you're really worth it.  I wonder if that day will come.. but I guess it won't if I just sit around and layan emosi homesick nih. Everyone has their own demons to fight in life.  Don't give up too soon!

The road is long, unpredictable and requires hard work.  Have you put your efforts in it?

Ganbatte neh! Fightooo~ OH!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

My easter break


TODAY (as off noon)
Made a routine house call today.  Mama asked the usual: "How's everything?" and the usual response would be, "ok..." I wasn't quite sure what to tell her. I think everything's good, I don't think there's any complaints.  And she said something that just made realise how arrogant I am, she reminded me.."Alhamdulillah..apa-apa pun: Alhamdulillah.  Kalau elok pun Alhamdulillah. Kalau tak pun Alhamdulillah juga".  senyap kejap.
Allah, sometimes ppl can be so self absorbed and forget to thank you. and I know one person for sure. -_-;

Last week she reminded me, "Angah buat solat dhuha tak? Baca lagi tak ma'thurat?" em..without knowing it, she's checking my mutabaah amal.
USRAH-TI.. And it makes me realise again & again how important a family instutition is.  Ah, I need to contact them anak-anak and asking how they're doing. -_-;

Came back from Zamir's house for bacaan Yasin.  I think it's very noble of him to organise the sessions & gather everyone together.  Rasa la juga hidup bermasyarakat Bristol. hehe although there are a few things that can be improvised, (boys can sit in front & girls at the back or somesort). but nevertheless it's a very good effort.

I'm not sure if I made someone hurt yesterday.  I hope she wasn't hurt because of me.  Hm..I wonder if I have some sort of disorder that makes me lacks empathy.  Oh dear, may Allah forgive us.

POINTS to ponder:
1) Share your failures and life experience with others
2) Bersangka baik dengan Allah & manusia - which is quite hard..but not impossible..BUT I guess being cautious is another thing. which I suck at doing.
3) Don't feel that Allah owes you anything but you Allah everything.

TWO Days ago: 
Our humble home played host to Ust Muhaimin and UG of Cardiff & Bristol and PG.  At first I thought it was going to be a small gathering.  But Alhamdulillah many came (with Allah's mercy).  And it made me feel so happy.  And the fact that Ustaz doakan tuan rumah.  Moga Allah redha.  Along asked how I felt, and I told her, "I'm very happy because our house could be of a small benefit." Feeling that ada juga gunanya nikmat Allah ni utk dakwah.  I hope this feeling would remain.

Okay, back to ustaz's talk, we did a very open (umum) session and there were so many interesting points from ustaz.  Some of which I remember since I didn't bring down my book for the talk:

1. "Kalau tak mampu buat semua, jangan pula tinggalkan semua"
2. Sensitivity terhdp ayat Allah.  Sahabat sgt sensitive dgn Qur'an.  cerita tentang sahabat yg mmg born with suara kuat. Bila turun ayat tentang larangan meninggikan suara depan Rasulullah, shbt tu  pula yg terasa & tak datang masjid dah. Although sbnrnya ditujukan kpd org lain.  I think maybe ustaz ada repeat a few points tentang AQ drp Spring Camp.  but I didn't go, so Allah bawa SC kat kita..I think it's such a blessing.
3. Qur'an sbg mukjizat & panduan. Rasulullah dikenali sbg seorg yang berakhlak mulia drp hidupnya oleh penduduk Makkah regardless oleh org kafir atau Muslim. tp tiada perubahan pun yg berlaku oleh penduduk Makkah.  Bila turun AQ baru lah berlaku perubahan. Dalam surah inna a'thoina Allah kata mlm lailatul qadr tu lebih baik drp 1000 bulan kan.  Jd kalau kita hidup 1000 tahun pun tanpa AQ tu tak bermakna langsung. Nak kata betapa hebatnya kesan AQ dalam hidup.
4.  Ustaz ckp juga psl hakikat manusia dan ruh.  Katanya yg berkekalan adalah ruh kita (tbhg kpd akal, nafsu dan hati).  Dan jasad kita tu tak kekal.  Jasad kita yg dulu dah hilang.  Contohnya cell2 yg kita waktu lahir semua dah destroyed.  even RBC kita pun bertukar ganti setiap 120 hari.  Jdnya sgt penting kita menjaga ruh kita dan membersihkannya sbb itulah yg akan dihadapkan kpd Allah di akhirat kelak.
5.  Hakikat ruh yg baik boleh ditinggikan kpd hampir sama dgn darjat malaikat & ruh yg buruk darjatnya direndahkan kpd darjat haiwan. cth: Hadith 2, bila mana malaikat dtg kpd Rasulullah & sahabat bertanya tentang Iman, Islam & Ihsan. ketika tu agaknya tahap iman mereka dah sama dgn malaikat.

Points to ponder:
1. Refleksi sejauh mana AQ tu dijadikan panduan hidup.
2. Haruslah menyucikan ruh & memberi makannya. Mutabaah amal.

THREE Days ago: 
Went to London to renew passport which is almost expiring. Ate at Malaysian Hall, noodle oodle. and went to see Wicked at Apollo theatre.  I think Wicked has a lot of morals in it and very unpredictable exciting and wonderful show.  Menarik juga kalau dapat berdakwah through arts kan. :)

Interesting points:
1. The value of friendship
2. The value of ilmu
3. Keburukan zina
4. Importance of perserverance in life
5. Importance of loving animals

It was more enjoyable because we went as a bunch (nad, hani, farihin, mus & ain) and dpt naik megabus double decker. hihi

As the rest of the days:
Study group & kemas rumah & etc.

So today marks the end of our one weekish Easter break.  Alhamdulillah for giving us this opportunity.  Hopefully this will help us to become better servants to You in one way or the other.

General points to myself:
1) Perlu lebih menghormati masa
2) Perlu lebih memahami perasaan orang
3) Relaksla..jgn jd imposing sgt..give alternatives..
4) Do things in small chunks from now..

Penatla type panjang2, bye, salam