Salam to all Muslims and may Allah guide you to not-yet-muslims.
So, while I'm alone at home and waiting for my BA-Na-Na cake to bake, I thought I might just update my blog.
Yes, I might be a bit narcissistic writing for my own pleasure. hah. who cares if I am. I find it's nice. after a year, or even a month, u can recall what you've done with your time. and having the memory of a goldfish is another pushing factor.
So anyway, last Friday, I went to Cardiff for an IMAM event, a MABIT and a daurah. It was sort of a last minute catch the next available train and grab life where it takes you. Alhamdulillah everything worked out well. Managed to kirim kasut mama in between.
Funny thing was, everyone who came to the IMAM event was interconnected one way or another. It's very entertaining how Allah susun perjalanan hidup kita. If I recall well, I went to the Dr's wedding who gave the talk 4 years ago. But i don't think she knew me then, or I knew her. Anyway, its interesting how having a good/soleh support system helps to nurture your life and the life of your kids. I like the discussion at our dining table. The Dr was asking her dad 'why there aren't many people willing to get involved in voluntary work or become comitted in volunteering?'. The dad answered simply 'Sebab tak ramai orang yang dapat masuk syurga'. Heh. And everyone at the table was smiling in agreement. haih usrah..
Lately I've been thinking about marriage. a lot. or not. well it comes in waves, sometimes it comes then it goes. I blame the age factor. I suppose having a housemate who might get engaged soon may also contribute to it? I'm really happy for her. Although we have our ups and downs, I think she deserves to get married sooner. Haha it that that fair to say? hehe probably yes, because I know her. ^^
Anyway, just thinking about it doesn't get me anywhere. I need to device a plan. a proposal for 'How to get married sooner rather than later'. okay that's the aim. Now, I'm stuck with the objectives. So far, here's what I have:
1. Doa
2. Dekat kan diri dengan Allah.
3. Immerse in other activities that you enjoy.
4 Don't think about it too much.
5. Focus Final LONG CASE please. (maybe the most important one so far, after 1 and 2)
6. Trying to convert my non-muslim friends? haha.
okay, my BA-NA-Na cake is almost done :) hve to go. catch up with you soon.
Anyway, insyaAllah Allah knows whats best. All the secrets are with Him. I pray Allah gives me the courage to make a move or whatever. In the now or the future.
he..he..I have to apologise bout the merepek list above. It's just for amusement with pinches of salt. ;p
Till I write about more personal stuff again -not,