Tuesday, 24 September 2013

of an ultimate procrastinator


so recently my life has turned from relaxing and boredom to total chaos (dramatic effect)..;p
true, I am still currently unemployed..which I'm expecting to end by December..although unemployed, I am still working for 3 people, on top of running a house..

I work for my mom, my auntie, and my other auntie..I have to do laundry and take care of the house, cook lunch for the house and my auntie who had just had surgery and also become a research assistant for my auntie who is desperately trying to finish of her Phd thesis..and on top of that find time for myself to enjoy my 'vacation'..

I'm not really complaining, in a sense I am happy that I can be of use to my family..I suppose this is one of the reason why I decided to come back and do my housemanship in Malaysia..but I guess sometimes it does get a bit overwhelming when it feels like the whole world depends on you and without you it wouldn't run..haha a lit bit of exaggeration wouldn't hurt..I suppose this is what my mom and other mom's feel..

but again what is growing up without being thrown with responsibilities? ^^
haha it's funny that I should say this, but I think being a grown up is fun, given we're able to the job properly//

ultimate procrastinator

so while I'm in the middle of finding motivation to do a bit of academic writing for my auntie, I must remind myself..that while there are things that one really hates and would try to escape from doing, in the end, it is still inevitable..

for worldly things like finishing an assignment or essay, it just means that you have to sacrifice you sleep the day of the deadline to get it done, or for a job that you had promised you boss to do but didn't do it, you would need to endure getting scolded at but then you can always bounce back up, do a better job or find another job if you get fired..

what if that procrastination leads you to a place where you cannot even bare to think of, yet alone live there for the rest of your life with no turning back?

and that's Jahannam..
Allah nauzubillahiminzalik..may Allah spare us from hell fire and be good servants to Him..ameen

so let's just remind ourselves, to live everyday for the here and now as well as the hereafter,

The Prophet (saw) advised to: “Take benefit of five before five: Your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death(Narrated by Ibn Abbas and reported by Al Hakim)

yours truly, 

Monday, 23 September 2013

of a note



Of self-improvement
Alhamdulillah, today I'm very happy because I've managed to stick to my daily timetable..inshaAllah..i've started to get back on track with my mutabaah amal again, although it may seem ciput and unworthy to note down, i still feel amazing to be able to keep istiqamah at it, so far its been about a week and a half..and as we all know too well, life has it's ups and downs..how a helium balloon shoots high up into the sky, it must come down once the gas has escaped..

but again, there's no point to dwell too much in self pity at how bad a situation is..cos the truth is, what' more important is how one deals with it..and true enough no one is perfect and will ever be..but it's the struggle and the effort to move towards something better, that's what is being looked upon by our creator..because He knows that everyone is put under different circumstances and no two people have the same situation, albeit identical twins who grow up together all their life..

therefore our own struggles are custom made to ourselves and only we (and Him) know our own capabilities..till we meet again~ which I fear, will be quite soon

فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا

Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
(al-insyirah: 6)

nk goreng ikang 

last day of Bangalore electives April '13

Monday, 2 September 2013

of Malaysian nights

Hadiah hari merdeka delayed 2 hari = harga minyak naik 20sen seliter 

"just to show the evil side of things, must u break the news the night before?"