Monday, 17 April 2017

of a journey that will end

so 2 years ago on this date my beloved brother in law and his parents passed away.. 
i can still remember that night as it was like yesterday still vivid in my mind.. i'm sure my sister remebers it even more clearly.. 
he was a very kindhearted person, always the smiley easygoing husband to my sister.. never heard him complained.. i supposed Allah has a better plan for both of them.. i'm sure of that..there's still a part of our lives that was borrowed and returned back to its owner..  

i'm not sure why but today feels a bit gloomy eventhough the weather isn't as bad.. i suppose that's the feeling when a part of us goes missing.. 

may roh arwah hilmi and his parents ditempatkan bersama2 orang2 soleh ameen.. 

"it's better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all" 
inshaAllah He has a better plan for us

i'm thinking now maybe i'm not meant to get married.. haha mcm da putus asa kan.. nope.. inshAllah need to put my focus back to what's important.. 

terasa nak nyanyi lagu ni pulak 'u can tell everybody, yeah u can tell everyboday, go ahead and tell everybody.. i'm the man i'm the man i'm the mannn... yes i am yes i am yes i am..."  😂 


Sunday, 16 April 2017

of being in focus

how r u world? 🌎 i hope everythings fine
it's been a while since i've been to usrah.. so to fill up my empty heart, i've been listening to yasmin mogahed's talk on youtube.. Alhamdulillah she's a very entertaining and passionate speaker.. 

the talk was titled the four types of power to remove weakness.. essentially it was based on the ayat 

so the take home messages for me are:
1. always be humble when u make a mistake and don't try to put the blame on others but admit that we have wronged ourselves and try to change.. because that is the difference between Nabi Adam A.S and iblis after eating buah khuld.. Nabi Adam didn't blame iblis for seducing him but instead admit it was his wrongdoingand repent to Allah 

2. "whatever we focus on, grows"
to always focus on the solution and not the problem.. because what we focus on will become bigger.. if we focus on the problem we will only see the problem as getting bigger because fear will come in but if we focus on the solution, it will give us a way out

3. remember that in every trapped situation/problem, Allah is always with us.. never lose faith e.g Nabi Musa and Bani israil in fronth of the red sea 

a reminder for me, 

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

of a stoned heart

i used to be a supporter of love
when beauty and the beast used to be my favourite
i used to see love as impartial, nonjudgmental, and kind
now i see love as something hateful


Wednesday, 5 April 2017

of disturbing images

i saw the videos and images of the civilians yg kne sarin gas in syria.. x sanggup nk tgk semua.. half way pun da gugur jantunggg bergenang air mata
this is not a fair war.. there is no humanity in this act 😭😭😭
it doesn't matter if u r on different sides and want to kill each other, but do not kill them in this manner and act so kejam on one another..

yaAllah may u provide the syrians fighting for their lives the strength, reward their suffering with jannah.. and make us muslims unite and strong and able to help them ameen...  

moga doa kami, dana dan bantuan tenaga smpai kpd mereka ameen