Sunday 24 April 2011

so there is actually a conclusion.

that life is not worth living if we all live like robots.

binneka tunggal eka!
unity in diversity.

everyone is unique. and i purposely use this word in its true meaning and not a euphemism for any negative remark.
human potential is undoubtly huge. and so i've learned. from someone who is very dear to me, my little sister dids.

i've never known her to become a leader let alone be able to organise a homestay event and speak in front of many. but she did it and she enjoyed it. though come to think of it, her nursery teacher did call her 'bossy boots' back then. maybe her teacher knew her better than we did. Alhamdulillah, her talent.

i've also learned so much from a sister. an older sister who's close in my heart. who always puts others in front of herself. though her tribulations are more than one could imagine. and ongoing. she keeps on fighting every minute of every day.

she is an inspiration, even if one might not say it out loud to her. her efforts spell it out.

even in the deepest trench, she thinks as a Muslimah. what could be more inspiring?

may Allah make us servants who live under His blessing in every inch insyaAllah.


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