Thursday 19 May 2011

of a h moment


i was about to rest my eyes, when curiosity suddenly struck me.  my fingers started twitching and without jeopardising my body's need for heat (aka without moving out of the duvet) i reached for the OHCM or what is referred to the Cheese & Onion in the med students world. 

with a deep thought in mind, scrutinising every incident as it happened, looking at the index page for what is appropriate, and finally...finally wondering if the search is over. 

trembling with fear, i was shocked at the distinct similarity ingrained in ink.

page 269.   

Wilson's disease.

am I a victim?

*lol! hypochondriacal moment over* clap2

ok, i was looking through the disease i figured there were some familiarities - labile emotions. or is that just a common feature for a group of productive unpredictable mammals, commonly known as women? 


a bit of blabbering in the morning sun. 

Alhamdulillahillazi ahyana ba'dama amatana wa ilaihin nushur..

ALhamdulillah for allowing us to breath again this morning and to blabber on for the day. 


1 comment:

  1. after the first few sentences, i expected a deep, insightful entry......
    and instead u made my gloomy day as bright as the sun outside!!

    wilson's indeed!!!!! ROFL

    (ok i should stop teasing ur hypochondriacism)
