Tuesday 21 June 2011

of growth hormone


In endocrinology, we learn that too much growth hormone (GH) will lead to acromegaly, while insufficient GH will cause cretinism or dwarfism. 

unfortunately today is not about the above growth hormone but rather about a special growth hormone that one need's to be actively produced for others to benefit from. 

about a few weeks ago, we had a Malaysian Club dinner, and there was a speech given by Dr Evans, the club's advisor.  One thing that I truly appreciate from it is that we need one another to help us grow.  We have a responsibility to our friends, to our love one's and to people around us to help one another to improve and become better people.  And i truly agree since a good society would indefinitely consist of good people. 


as i was reading through Fathi Yakan's BP, i want to share hadith Rasulullah, as a reminder for me especially, yang bermaksud:

"Awas kalian drp sifat prasangka.  Sesungguhnya prasangka itu adalah kata-kata yg paling dusta.  Jngn saling olok-mengolok, intai-mengintai (kesalahan), atas-mengatasi, dengki-mendengki, benci-membenci dan jebak-menjebak.  Jadilah kalian laksana hamba-hamba Allah yg bersaudara seperti yang telah diperintahkan kpd kalian.  seorg Muslim itu adalah saudara seorg Muslim lain.  Jgnlah ia menzalimi saudaranya; jgnlah ia membiarkannya (apabila ia dizalimi); jgnlah ia menghina saudaranya.  Taqwa itu letaknya di sini.  Taqwa itu letaknya di sini, seraya menunjuk ke dadanya.'  Cukuplah bg seorg Muslim itu kejahatan (dosa) menghina saudaranya yg Mu'min haram bg sesorg Muslim itu (menceroboh) darah (nyawa) nama baik dan harta sesorg Muslim yg lain." (Hadith riwayat Malek, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud dan Tarmizi)

a diversion from doing SSC, 

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