Sunday 16 August 2009

of total rambling

today i woke up at 5 in the morning. which is quite unusual since i slept around 2 last night. and why was i up late? was doing a bit of reading. not any educational stuff. story book reading. hueh. and i didn't want to continue my night's sleep coz i'm worried if i wake up late n miss subuh. so yeah, after subuh i continued reading again. you know how these things could really get you really addicted. personally i'd like to think  i'm inculcating a good habit? ;pp

anyway, i don't know why but i'm finding the telly these days quite boring. hm. probably it's got something to do with the fact that i don't own a telly in uk. so it's not become somewhat of a necessity to me as it did before. anyway, yeah, i did manage to finish this book *wohoo for me*. i'm hoping to be increasing my reading speed a bit. i'm thinking it has somewhat improved. like before, i would say i'd read just a tad bit faster than a snail. but now, i'm guessing maybe the speed of a grasshopper. ngeee~

so it's 10.00 in the morning. i'm feeling bored. maybe i could bug someone in the morning. my bffs maybe? uhuh. nope. one's gone back to US already, another's gone to redang for the hols, one's in Kuantan, busy with her studies, the other's are probably enjoying their weekend back with their family. 

btw, yesterday, i was playing tap tap revenge in the car back from dinner. and i was bragging to adah that i got 100% wohoo la of course kan, then she said to me. 
"nape you nak happy2 pulak. bukannye you dpt pahale hundred pun. main game je"

well. i knew that. coming from a kid makes me feel more burrrrn!! ;p

anyway, i'm supposed to balik kg today. better get ready. 


  1. Salam.nad.miss malaysia or o.sea now?

  2. wslm. moooooon! hihi. missing awk jugak! skrg cuti kt msia. bulan dpn blk uk. mun, awk kt mane skrg? still kt serdang ke? or da pindah?
