Thursday 6 August 2009

teman kasih sayang

cepat je dia besar. pagi td dia x pegi sekolah.
 sebab? dia lupa ade homework kne hantar harini. isy2. last time i called her a "budak kecik". 
her response? "adah bukan budak kecik laaa, adah a young adult". 

tergelak je. baru darjah dua.

ironic kan,
the aged would love to be younger, while the young can't wait to get older.
life. very amusing.  
 hehe but for sure i'll miss this brat kt bristol nnt.


  1. hehe..adik awk da drjh 2 ke?? ari tu..tadika lg..hehehe..cpt nye masa berjln..hoohoo..nad, bler blk bristol?

  2. fathin!!!! a'a kan. sgt2 cepat mase berlalu. wuu~

    kite blk bristol on the 26th sept. ni.
    awk da blk czech eh? kite nampak gmbr awk kt fb. huhu. x smpat jumpe haritu. xpe2. next time insyaAllah ok!
