Saturday 8 May 2010


i have issues. if only that could be my escape line for situations when i feel down and depressed. so when other people hear how complex-minded this certain biological life form is, they will leave me alone and not ask questions. if only...

but Allah equipped us with the physical, spiritual and mental capacities for us to change the situation into a better one, to think of ways to overcome the problems and to fight against the forces of evil. (hehe mcm star wars je, dramaticnye?) but truly, when our emotions are swayed towards the side of us that is totally unbearable, that is pessimistic and overtly intolerable (either by our own self or others), aren't those just signs of shaiton working their 'magic' on you?

while there might not be an obvious reason why we sometimes do get depressed, especially when we were in a perfectly stable condition before (in terms of imaan or ibadah or emotional state), it is actually Allah's way of reminding us of his powers. He, the Exhalted, the Most Powerful of all, can do whatever He wants whenever He wants to us, wherever we are. Making us experience, from the highest of the highs to the lowest of the lows.

Setting a reminder for us that if we become better people, if we succeed in life, if we are happy and manage to attain whatever we desire in life, it isn't because of our effort alone. and i repeat, it isn't because of us alone. there is indeed a greater power that determines our outcome. (paranoid? hehe.) yes, and that greater power that allows all things to happen is Allah's will.

so actually feeling low and depressed (though is not recommended), does help to keep our niat and iman in check. so hopefully we wouldn't become egocentric people that thinks the vast spherical far and wide world that we live in revolves around us alone. hihi

just to share an Ayat,
"Jika Allah menolong kamu mencapai kemenangan, maka tidak ada sesiapa pun yang akan dapat mengalahkan kamu. (Ali-Imran:160)

maka sayang-sayang sekalian, translated to, well my dears, the way out of this misery is indeed to correct our relationship with the King of Hearts. haha. of course Allah.

insyaAllah. mari beramal. dan tidak depressed. certainly a reminder for me. ^.^

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