Tuesday 9 November 2010


i'm back in business insyaAllah. i've been meaning to write for a few days but didn't seem to have the time. i've been thinking, and i think this blog is becoming a bit personal which i feel is quite inappropriate to broadcast to people. and i've been considering to change to a more traditional way which is to write in my diary. but, oh well. we'll see when that is.

em. i started of this blog with the idea that this will be sort of my log book. an account of what i'm feeling or what i've learnt. so in futuristic terms, when i feel that it's time to shut this blog, i will just jump to another blog or whatsoever so my deepest most darkest feelings will still remain anonymous. hee..anyway, enough with the rambling.

of last week

1. i enjoyed last week, i think people are a blessing, especially tetamu. even more, tetamu that are friends. bukankah tetamu itu membawa barakah? and i have been able to enjoy my room in Bristol. which is another thing that's part of me. i have the tendency to decorate my room and enjoy it once in a while. i don't know why? that's just how it is. but slowly i've been letting that desire go. because i don't actually have the right to own anything. no, it's all lent by Allah. i think the value in something is greater when we share it with others.

2. i learnt to correct my niat in everything that we do. in particular, when we help out people. i think that's what separates us from people who don't believe in god. they might help out others because they would want that person's help in the future. something like an unspoken deal. 'if you help me out today, i'll help you out tomorrow' so why are we different? because our cause is different, our aim is bigger. not for people to return our favour, but we want Allah to be pleased with us. something that i have to consciously remind myself.

3. so based on what i've just written, you might think that i'm a horrible person. yes, i might not be beautiful or brilliant. i might not have nice skin or a fluffy accent, but i am working to clean my heart. and to err is human. of which is another lesson i've learnt. which is to be realistic. work realistically, study realistically and plan realistically. it's not wrong to dream big, but again. you have to have a right mindset. in the end what do you want? to have a negara islam tetapi rakyatnya rosak? or to obtain a medical degree but you aren't compassionate about your patients? in the end what is it that you are after?

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