Wednesday 1 December 2010

of a crappy-wonderful day


so what did i do today? i went into fracture was good..and bad..

good, because Allah gave me inspiration from a muslim orthopaedics surgeon. i didn't know he was muslim. haha. i knew he was a great doctor before i even met him because i overhead nurses and surgeons talking about how good he was in the coffee room. eavesdropping much? ;p people kept calling him Cally, so i though it was his when i officially met with him today he introduced himself, and his name is actually Khaled..haha..these people and their pronunciations..:p

bad, because i was asked questions from another consultant, which, i didn't manage to answer. i had a vague idea of what it is, but because i didn't understand it enough i couldn't tell him anything. so, i need to review my learning skills. if i'm not able to explain things to people it means that i don't really understand it, right?
but anyway, after my sad attempt of answering, he taught me what it was. ow yeah, and the question was on compartment syndrome.

so what have i learned today? i hope to be great in my career. a great doctor, a great person, a great da'ie. i want to be like Ibnu Sina, Ibnu Khaldun etc from young, at the age of 10 already have the entire Qur'an in their head. and learnt about Islam, from an earlier stage before venturing into other areas of knowledge. so their fundamentals were strong from the beginning. mashaAllah.


it's not wrong to be great at what we do, family wise, career wise or study wise, but that's not the only thing we should be good at. they are our ibadah too. but the priorities in life should always take precedence before anything else. being a Muslim first insyaAllah.

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
(51:56) I created the jinn and humans for nothing else but that they may serve Me

let's pray that Allah will make us great Muslims and da'ies as well insyaAllah. ;)

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