and this came out. MashaAllah one's ability to write by Allah is very very breathtaking. makes me feel fuzzy inside.
by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
As people are content with the world, so you should be content with Allah. As they are delighted by the world, so you should be delighted with Allah. As they are intimate with their loved ones, so you should seek intimacy with Allah. As they desire to know their kings and their leaders, and to draw near to them in order for honour and status to be conferred on them, so you should come to know Allah and seek His love: this will lead to the utmost honour and distinction.
Said one of the ascetics (zuhhåd): “I can never imagine that someone could hear about Paradise and Hellfire and can still waste an hour without performing any act of obedience to Allah; neither remembrance, prayer, reciting Qur’an nor an act of charity or kindness.” Someone said to him: I weep profusely. He replied: “That you laugh while confessing your sin is better than weeping yet being puffed-up with pride because of your deeds. For the deeds of a conceited person will never rise above his head.” The person then requested: Please counsel me. So the ascetic replied:
“Leave the world to those who hanker after it, as they leave the Afterlife to its seekers. And be in this world as the bee: it eats only good, produces only good, and when it rests upon anything it neither ruins it nor deflowers it.”
* Al-Fawa’id (Riyadh: Maktabah al-Rushd, 2001), 187; trans. Surkheel Sharif.
copy pasted from
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Sunday, 20 November 2011
For the love of Allah
yesterday my friends and I went to Excel, London to join the Twins of Faith conference. Alhamdulillah for allowing us the chance and masyaAllah it was spectacular. a whole list of talented and wise speakers, poets and artists. I guess the most important thing I gained was the uplifting feeling of racing towards a better ummah by seeing how many masses of people coming to the conference which I believe would be to learn more about Allah's blessed Deen and to become a better Muslim and seeing the organiser's effort to hold such an event for the benefit of the ummah and for Allah's love is just a boost of spirit for dakwah work.
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our entrance wrist band |
Based on our dear brother's talk, ustadh Nouman Ali Khan titled 'The best of man', what's important is that we start from being a better individual and building up our fundamentals as we go along.
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The programme book |
hihi, I think it really is amazing how Allah works His magic. I only just remembered after the conference that I once said to Zed a couple of years ago how 'envious' I was that she had the chance to listen to the brother's talk in US. I was goofing around saying I think how I might come to US just to see the brother. Lo and behold what Allah has in store. and I do pray that my intentions were right.
Which is another point from the brother's talk which was to make 'niat' or intention of what we want in life even we haven't got a clue yet how we are going to achieve it. For instance, he gave an example of learning Arabic to understand Allah's text better. Although we may not be able to find a teacher at the moment or have time yet or etc, but insyaAllah if we make the intention now just watch how Allah will open up the doors to allow us achieve our goals. I think it was based on his own life experience.
and Alhamdulillah, I think this experience to me has been a very sweet journey, personally and spiritually.
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Our brother |
and Alhamdulillah, I think this experience to me has been a very sweet journey, personally and spiritually.
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hehe |
as part of my diary,
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
one thing i like about medicine is how it organizes the way one thinks. ok, so this may not be such a huge thing for someone who already has things sorted out in their heads. someone who was born with the ability to classify and group things since day 1 of being a neonate unlike me who at times feels that her neurones are suddenly too short of reaching the next neurone that the information suddenly gets lost in the tangled mess and stored in somewhere even she can't locate.
okay then, i think this just too much vanity at the moment. my point was............oh right, yes, my point is that somehow medicine with all it's tutorials and clinics and skills and theatres and shadowing this person and shadowing that person and in the midst of all this chaos just makes one's mind goes bonkers. but alas, as is stated in the Qur'an how Allah loves people who work in saffs and how one can achieve greatness through being systematic. which is ironically the key of approaching a patient in whatever situation he/she is under.
Another fact in the Qur'an practiced in the real life of a medical student.
I'm sorry again if this is totally useless. And if you are still reading this, I just burnt my pizza, it says 10 minutes in the oven. I just passed 12 minutes and it's almost black. Never trust the power of a burning flame 0_o
Saturday, 5 November 2011
of a love story
Allah. please make me strong insyaAllah.
tomorrow marks the day of 10 Zulhijjah a.k.a eidul adha. Why is it a blessed day?
فَبَشَّرْنَاهُ بِغُلَامٍ حَلِيمٍ(37:101) (In response to this prayer) We gave him the good news of a prudent boyفَلَمَّا بَلَغَ مَعَهُ السَّعْيَ قَالَ يَا بُنَيَّ إِنِّي أَرَى فِي الْمَنَامِ أَنِّي أَذْبَحُكَ فَانْظُرْ مَاذَا تَرَى قَالَ يَا أَبَتِ افْعَلْ مَا تُؤْمَرُ سَتَجِدُنِي إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ مِنَ الصَّابِرِينَ(37:102) and when he was old enough to go about and work with him, (one day) Abraham said to him: “My son, I see in my dream that I am slaughtering you. So consider (and tell me) what you think.” He said: “Do as you are bidden. You will find me, if Allah so wills, among the steadfast.”The object of asking this of the son was not that he would carry out Allah's Command only if he agreed, otherwise not, but the Prophet Abraham, in fact, wanted to find out how righteous, in actual reality, was his child for whom he had prayed to Allah. If the son himself was found to be ready to lay down his life for the sake of Allah's approval and pleasure, it would mean that the prayer had been fully granted, and the son was not his offspring in the natural way only but was morally aad spiritually also a true son.
The words clearly tell that the son had not taken the dream of his Prophet father to be a mere dream but a Command from Allah. Had it not been a Command actually, it was necessary that Allah should have explicitly or implicitly stated that the son of Abraham had mistaken it for a command. But the whole context is without any such allusion. On this very basis, there is the Islamic belief that the dream of the Prophets is never a mere dream it is also a kind of Revelation. Obviously, if a thing, which could become such a fundamental principle in the Divine Shari'ah, had not been based on reality, but had been a mere misunderstanding, it was not possible that Allah should not have refuted it. It is impossible for the one who believes the Qur'an to be Allah's Word, to accept That such an error and omission could emanate from Allah also.
فَلَمَّا أَسْلَمَا وَتَلَّهُ لِلْجَبِينِ(37:103) When both surrendered (to Allah’s command) and Abraham flung the son down on his forehead, *61*61 That is, "The Prophet Abraham did not make his son lit flat on his back but made him lie prostrate lest while slaughtering him the sight of his face should arouse compassion and lout and make him shaky. Therefore, he wanted to use the knife from under the throat" .
وَنَادَيْنَاهُ أَنْ يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ(37:104) We cried out: *62 “O Abraham,قَدْ صَدَّقْتَ الرُّؤْيَا إِنَّا كَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي الْمُحْسِنِينَ(37:105) you have indeed fulfilled your dream. *63 Thus do We reward the good-doers.” *64*63 That is, "We did not make you see in the dream that you had actually slaughtered your son and he had died, but that you were slaughtering him. That Vision you have fulfilled. Now, it is not Our will w take the life of your child: the actual object of the vision has been fulfilled by your submission and preparation to sacrifice him for Our sake."
*64 That is, "We do not subject the people who adopt the righteous way to trials in order to involve them in trouble and distress and affliction just for the sake of it, but these trials are meant to bring out their excellencies and to exalt them to high ranks, and then We deliver them also safe and sound from the dilemma in which We place them for the sake of the trial. Thus, your willingness and preparation to sacrifice yow son is enough to entitle you to be exalted to the rank that could be attained only by the one who would actually have slaughtered his son for Our approval and pleasure. Thus, We have saved the life of yow child as well as exalted you to this high rank. "
إِنَّ هَذَا لَهُوَ الْبَلَاءُ الْمُبِينُ(37:106) This was indeed a plain trial. *65*65 That is, "The object was not to get yow son slaughtered through you but to test you to see that you did not hold anything of the world dearer than Us.وَفَدَيْنَاهُ بِذِبْحٍ عَظِيمٍ(37:107) And We ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice, *66*66 "A great sacrifice" : A ram, as mentioned in the Bible and the Islamic traditions, that Allah's angel presented at the time before the Prophet Abraham, so that he should sacrifice it instead of his son. This has been called "a great sacrifice" because it was to serve as a ransom from a faithful servant like Abraham for a patient and obedient son like Ishmael, and Allah made it a means of fulfilling the intention of an unprecedented sacrifice. Another reason for calling it "a great" sacrifice is that AIlah made it a tradition till the Day of Resurrection that all the believers should offer animal sacrifice on the same date in the entire world so as to keep fresh the memory of the great and unique event signifying faithfulness and devotion."
وَتَرَكْنَا عَلَيْهِ فِي الْآَخِرِينَ(37:108) and We preserved for him a good name among posterity.
سَلَامٌ عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ(37:109) Peace be upon Abraham.
translation from abul A'la Maududi. i think i might hv found something that i can sacrifice for the sake of Allah tomorrow. how bout you?
p/s: missing family mode..
copy paster,
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
sedikit selingan
Baru submit SSC slides untuk presentantion yang saya taklah berapa suka. Tapi bukankah besar maknanya membuat sesuatu yg kita tak suka jika niatnya kerana Allah ta'ala? Bukankah Allah mahu melihat usaha kita berbanding dengan nilai akhirnya? Tidakkah harta yang kita sedang kumpul itu bukannya kemegahan atau kesenangan dunia? Maka, mengapa cik adik gundah gelana?*chewah blush blush. falfasah skeyyt..walaupun ku tahu bahasa ibundaku agak memalukan standardnya ;p*
Baiklah. inginku bercerita. seorg insan sedang merawat hatinya yang sedikit terluka. bukanlah kerana perbuatan manusia. cuma, kadang-kadang terkesima dengan situasi yang menimpa hehe, Alhamdulillah setiap kesusahan itu pasti diikuti dengan kemudahan. Janji Allah itu pasti. Maka Allah sentiasa bersama, janganlah bersedih kerana perkara-perkara yang kecil dan rapuh ini. Mungkin Allah tetapkan yang demikian itu kerana Dia lebih tahu dan mahukan yang terbaik untukmu.
Okaylah, baik saya berhenti di sini sebelum memalukan diri lebih lanjut.
Salam perantau dari Bumi Allah,
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