Friday 9 March 2012

of a weird learning point

juma'ah mubarakah everyone!

a bit of a weird rant today..
after being smacked in the face a couple of times this week..(figuratively) i am now in the world of not really giving a hoot of what ppl might think..because I have given some time to consider it, analyse it, thought through it and ended up with some sort of plan..therefore, all the emotions are thus unnecessary atm..

thing is, I am in great despair, and partly it was because I felt I couldn't live up to one's expectations..which is a very very heavy and dis-pleasuring feeling if you've ever felt it before..
and I know that living your life for anyone humanly related is not the way to go..since Allah should be our reason..therefore, after dissecting and doing some deep reflections, it has been made clear that I am actually disappointed in myself not because of being a loser in pleasing other people, but the fact that I haven't carried out or tunaikan hak-hak orang di sekeliling dengan sebaiknya..

and because of this so found revelation, I feel liberated..because time and time again, only you know what you are dealing with and of course Allah knows it better..and only you know what your capability is and if you haven't fulfilled the responsibility as should..i guess what's important is just keep moving on..whether time is on your side or not, be it rain or fall..until you develop a thick skin..for the cause of Allah..

and just a reminder for myself with a goldfish memory, "proactive is the total opposite of reactive" - remember, remember, remember..therefore, begone with all the whispers..

anyway, this is not intended to shoot anyone in the's a learning point for us all or maybe just for myself O_o

anyway, talk to you soon..
nahdiya mj

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