Wednesday 13 May 2009

a bit of rambling

sooo many things i feel like writing. but i sooo don't have the laptop to write. haha. (not that i'm whining). i guess it is actually a blessing in disguise. anyway, 2 things that i need to note down today (since i have short term memory, i don't think a mental note would be enough. ahax):

1. jihad. sume org perlu berjihad. haha. masing2 punye jihad lain2. some might be visible to others, some might be an internal thing that bugs them. anyway, what's important is everyone pun nak improve kan diri masing2. and i guess it's important to understand that everyone have different background which leads us to facing our own battles. but apa2 pun, knowing that everyone's there for each other and we are actually aiming for the same ultimate goal will hopefully give the push and motivation that we need.

2. right, the second thing is about... ah. saye sudah terlupe. hm. oh ye. surah al-kafirun. surah yg menarik. ok. somehow seems like this blog is turning more into a personal notepad rather than a blog. sorry, can't help it.

amigos, bye2.

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