Monday 5 April 2010

Thoughts of interest


Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.

okay, while waiting to get my dinner outside I might as well just write some things that was running through my mind in the shower.

when I was small. I wanted to become a librarian. then i wanted to become a cashier. why, because of the cash machine they used seems very fascinating to me. the noise from the buttons were so tempting that i was em, okay, so maybe what I really wanted wasn't that clear yet. of course, this was when I was 7 years? long that I can't remember.

then I was a bit grown up. and so I wanted to become an MD because of the humanitarian and the satisfaction from the job and the fact that it serves as a reminder for death and all sorts of nikmat that you have been gifted with blablabla....

then I came to love arts. and I was undecided whether to become an interior designer or MD. so I had the ambition to open an arts shop next to my own clinic. heheh.

so now, i might leave that ambition aside since I already have a new one.

I want to open and design my own camp site!!!! so nak buat program byk2 pun senang. and of course more convenient since it can be tailored to our own needs. providing a more Islamic setting. a proper ablution area so that the toilet floors won't be all muddy and flooded with water. a proper 'tirai' in the middle so that the hall won't look so much like a refugee camp with all the cloths hanging on a single line, using hair clips as pegs. heheh though it is amusing and sometimes funny to see. it shows so much. that more is required from us. this is not enough and we shouldn't be satisfied with this yet.

so starting with myself, silalah belajar bersungguh sedikit. to get the degree and get a job first get some money. hokeyy?
as they say, money moves the world around. <- westerners la, we believe in Allah of course.

p/s: and this camp site would probably be not so far from my clinic. heheh which i would like to design too if possible. >.<

Astaghrifullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah.

(Post SC)

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