Monday 17 January 2011


I've been at home today, but Allah, have i learnt and seen loads. or to be exact, READ loads. i spent a whole day reading a story book which is not very smart of me since my exams is in 2 days time. phew? i hated that book, but i kept on reading, i kept on going through every word and flipping through each page. only to have my hopes crushed in the end. its quite ironic when i think about it again, hoping that there would be a happy ending at the end, which was the thing that kept me going, but the same hope again was the reason that got me disturbed when it didn't end the way i'd liked.

and i thought, what are humans without hope? we hope for every single thing in life, we hope to have a job, a family of our own one day, a day to have a good day at the hospital. hope to have friends who would understand us. hope for a great life.

and there, and then is what separates us from the normal people who hope. because our hopes is also accompanied by prayers. and our prayers are not just words or hymns but is our faith, woven with love, hope and fear to Allah. and what strengthens our hope is by knowing that Allah's promise is not just an average promise but a promise from the Most High.

Ibn Taymiyah (May Allah have mercy on him) said “If the kings knew the happiness and pleasure that we feel in our hearts, they would come and try to take it away from us with the tips of their swords.”


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