Tuesday 14 September 2010


A doctor, as it is told, is supposed to treat patients, putting the patients needs on top of everything, attending to their concerns and fulfilling their expectations, essentially putting them as top priority. of course. Bearing in mind that doctors themselves might not be in such a grand state, perhaps, they may be in the same mental state as patients that sometimes this could probably compromise the level of care given to patients. Therefore, ensuring that a doctor's wellbeing is in a tip top condition is probably an important key in providing the best possible service for patients. - a psychiatrically related observation by me (haha)

As I rant on further without having any goals to achieve, I shall stop for 2 minutes and ponder whether I'm actually taking in the lessons that I'm gaining from my placements and applying it in da'wah. As doctors of the ummah, there is certainly a lot of illness and diseases going around in society. Some of them might actually realise it, and waving it off or they might try to fix themselves, while some might still be in the dark of the mental disorders or disabilities that they are actually facing on a daily basis. the thing is, if we, as (future) doctors want to treat the patients our wellbeing should be
granddd (with a huge qolqolah at the end)! if not, what then makes us better than the people that we're treating? and as the equation would go, wellbeing = iman. maka, tarbiyah dzatiyah itu perlu. indeed, we need to keep our relationship to Allah strong.

dear doctors, you have a lot of work to do, diagnosing the patients would need you to do the history taking, and to take a good history, you should make them open up to you and to make them open up to you, you need to build ukhuwwah. and ukhuwwah of course is something you need to work on to make it great. just as marriage would be.<- (said a friend of mine, where i am now demonstrating the flight of ideas in psychiatry)
seperti mana doctor itu hidup utk pesakitnya, mcm itu lah juga kita hidup utk mad'u kerana Allah.

huh. take a deep breath.

2 minutes is up.

p/s: i'm actually quite sad for myself. despite all the free time i had today, i read the Quran lambat. so this entry, is to remind myself not to get carried away with free time as you are a full time D..... and D..... should have a lot of work to do. especially if you're trying to be a double D...... penuhkanlah masamu dgn kerja2.

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