Friday 15 October 2010


something to ponder on a Friday morning, insyaAllah. As one of our mutabaah amal, we are expected to beristighfar a certain amount each day. Sometimes, its so easy to get carried away with ticking the box that it becomes sort of a routine rather than really indulging in the amal to help us tingkatkan iman. so just to remind us what should be the ruh behind istighfar is, i shall quote tafsir fi zilal from surah an-Nasr:

"His forgiveness is sought for the various unrevealed, defective feelings such as vanity, which sometimes creep into one's heart at the overwhelming moment of victory attained after a long struggle. Human beings can hardly prevent this from happening therefore, Allah's forgiveness is to be sought for it."

so basically, istighfar is meant to cleanse our hearts from all the wrong feelings we've had in pursuit of 'victory'. I learnt that the ruh from beristighfar, especially in the climax of victory is actually to free oneself from the feelings of conceit, arrogance and the attitude of self-importance. Because honestly, preparing for an exam by studying 8 hours a day and finally getting a distinction does boosts your self-esteem and could definitely get to your head that YOU made that happen (Note: this is just a randon eg i gave), when actually we should understand that whatever nikmat or 'victory' we achieve is through Allah's will and His Mightiness alone. لا حول ولاقوة إلا بالله
and simultaneously it is also to liberate ourselves from the worldly captivations.

just another excerpt which i quite enjoy:

In the moment of triumph, as the Conquest of Makka was established, Rasulullah entered it on the back of his camel with his head bowed down. he forgot the joy of victory and instead he beristighfar. and this is Makkah were talking about, where he had once been openly and unshamedly persecuted and expelled.

mashaAllah. tarbiyah from Allah. utk kita juga insyaAllah.

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