Wednesday 20 October 2010

so here's a new lot of words,

1. twee - the word just sounds a bit twee
2. in a pickle - i'm finding myself in a pickle
3. turning grey - my hair's turning grey just thinking about my children
4. touch wood - hehe learned it last year. people say it when they're hoping that the opposite (something bad) will not happen.
4. amytriptyline - a TCA anti-depressant
5. metatraxate - it's used to treat cancer and what? (cepat2).....teng!! times up. rheumatoid arthritis
6. a patient presenting with black jagged lines and spots in vision and also as if looking through a frosted glass. what could be the diagnoses? (cepat2)...teng lagi!! it's partial retinal detachment. if full retinal detachment can cause blindness because retinal artery tercabut terus. wuu~ and what are the black spots? it's blood from the artery. how long should we treat before the eye goes completely blind? 3-4 days.
7. which is more worrying in an asthmatic child? a) a child having an asthma attack, wheezing and running around or b) a child having an asthma attack sitting still in a corner breathing deeply. tettt! okay, the answer is b) because it indicates that the child's body may not be able to compensate for the attack, and because in the children the attack can change dramatically so within 30 mins or so they might get worse and could die. wuu~
8. crp in blood test is to indicate what? -rheumatoid arthritis
9. why oh why do woman with cushing's disease stop having periods? ke xde kene mengena pun..heh, have to find out soon.

okay. i'm bored. sambung buat keje.

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