Sunday 3 October 2010


kerana jalan ini, jalan yang pjg.

yesterday morning gave mama a ring. a routine weekly call to catch up with the family. before getting off the phone mama will usually end with a do'a for me, this time, i noticed she added in something very sweet 'mama doa awk sihat utk buat kerja, senang nak faham bila belajar, Allah permudahkan semua urusan, urusan blajar and dakwah..' the last bit was something she never officially mentioned before..

and that made me smile. although dakwah is not for mama's sake alone, it does give me the boost knowing that mama approves of it. i remember her saying 'kalau jadi doctor yg gaji beribu2 nnt..use it for the ummah..use it for Islam..terangkan psl Islam to your patients' I was in primary school. that was how i understood how study and dakwah can work hand in hand then.


last summer i asked Abah if he has tafsir fi zilal or hadith 40 because
a) i'm a cheapskate
b) i was a bit lazy to go to jln tar.
Abah said yep but his books are in his office. so i went with him to get it. I opened the cabinet and he offered me the books. However, there was a 'but'. They were either in Arabic or English. So i didn't take any. (dakwah global? not.)

Growing up, Abah was the clothes police. Everytime we wanted to go out he would already be waiting downstairs on the sofa facing the stairs. Once i was dressed properly (so i thought) i would go down the stairs and he would always stop me and ask me to go up and change if my top was a tad bit too short. unless i was in something decent only then would he bring me along. one time i did something that i'm not proud of. it seemed like wearing small tops was cool so i told Abah that that is the only clean top i have and my other clothes were dirty. surprisingly it worked, and he let me off.

but i felt really dreadful, it didn't feel comfortable aside from the disappointment from my actions.


tarbiyyah keluarga. from them i learnt so much. although they might be busy with their own life now, the things they thought me have lead me to become the person i am today. the way they have moulded my thinking and calibrated my values (after numerous rebellious attempts of wearing baju kecik). i dream of building a family of my own one day, to nurture them with the ways of Islam, just as how i've been able to experience it, if not better iA.

p/s: had a long chat with Puan and was able to untangle several knots in my head Alhamdulillah. also something she said, it doesn't matter which 'path' you follow as long as kita beramal, beramal & beramal iA.

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